Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's a bug

With this H1N1 thing flying around and everyone under the sun contracting some form of it, I was wonder... Instead of saying "I have a bug" when you are sick should we say, "I have a pig?" I mean it was the swine flu for forever.

Also I think the computer has caught the H1N1 pig. It has not been behaving very well these past few days. Every time we want to upload the cereal video it freezes, and then just doesn't want to work the rest of the evening. So I'm a but frustrated. We have this "wonderful" video camera that is a hard drive. The thing about it is there are no tapes!!! That's awesome, except now I can't figure out how to get all these awesome movies off the hard drive and burn them onto a DVD to keep forever and ever. So in summary, for Christmas I would like either :
A) an external hard drive to load up the movies and burn them from that to a DVD, or
B) someone to figure out how to do make me the DVDs and do it for me.
and C) I would also enjoy my wedding album (hint, hint hubby. Don't worry supposedly we have already paid for it 3 Flipping years ago when we got married!)

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