Monday, November 21, 2011

A Special Thank You!

It has come time again for me, the Hubby, to overtake the blog again.  I am sure that Kelly is going to be coming down from putting Elijah to bed and Blog as well so I figured I would overtake it really quick! 

I would like to say a very special thank you to any and every one who has helped me thus far on my recovery from surgery, especially Kelly.  She has put up with me in the thick and thin throughout everything.  Now that I am going to be out of the recliner and back into bed, snoring and all, I hope that I don't make you too upset with me.

You Are My Favorite!!! 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Resolution update #3

Because I know you are all wondering.  I know how you think.  LOL

Blog more (than 2010)- In order to do so I need to blog over 43 times between now and the end of December.  We will see.  I'm not very positive on this end though due to my crazy smart phone.

Eat less (sugar)-I was doing really well with this until Halloween, however, now were not doing awesome on this.  I am eating less though.
Clean more (during the week)- Yeah not really, but with my hours changing I may be doing more cleaning on Wednesday.  But we will see.
Watch TV less (decrease # of shows I follow)- HAHA, I have no clue.  Now with DVR I probably watch more shows but there are so many that we tape it's like we have excess for when we go through that time of year with no new TV on.  We will watch older stuff instead of crap.
Save more ($$)- NOPE!  Let me introduce to you deductibles, and life and all other awesome things that cost money. 
Weigh less (than ???)- Check done, I'm awesome!
Work hard (at work)- Yeah, That I am.  So hard I have no nights at home with my little boy.  Not happy about that and I hope that will change soon, but not going to hold my breath.
Play harder (at home and on the weekend)- I think so.  I have had an awesome year with all we have done with Elijah.  No regrets.
Read more (books)- Nope
Clean car (inside and out)- Sort of.  Getting better.  I think.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Smart phone...

Dumb user.  How beneficial is your smart phone if you truly don't know how to maximize the smartness of the darn thing.  I got my phone in June and began using it, a lot. However, I started having my e-mail on it but After 3-4 weeks of having an alert every time I got spam I decided that wasn't worth it.  Then I wanted to put a blog app on the phone, however, it wouldn't let me write out the blog.  So that came off.  BJ put an assistant on the phone, but I found that it was much easier to just google everything.  It was faster.  I like games but I don't want a lot on my phone because I need to do other things in life, like take care of my son.  I am also cheep so I don't like paying for the apps.  So was this phone worth it?  I still don't know.  Anyone out there that can help me?  What things should I put on my phone?  Anyone want to come over and teach me how to use my phone?  Thanks.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Kids are cute

My son is so cute.  And if I haven't said it before, i will say it now, I love Elijah's school.  When your child is younge you can only see what they are really learning by what they are showing you.  Today Elijah did so by sorting all of his foam letters and numbers by color.  It was great.  However, we had so many that we had to circle the whole tub. 

By the way, every night we say our prayers and I start Elijah out by saying "Dear God, thank you for..." then I let Elijah file in the blank.  Some of the things Elijah's says thanks for make me laugh so much.  for a week we were praying for the neighbors and if we forget to pray for thier dog we have to start all over.  It was hallarious.  Tonight we said thank you for M&M's, I almost dropped Elijah I was laughing so hard.  But I agree with Eli, M&M's are definitly something we need to thank God for. 

Monday, November 07, 2011

Lazy Mom Right Here

Really there have been a million things that we have done since the last post.  I went back to work, BJ started PT, the family went to BOO at the zoo, we (I) carved pumpkins, we went trick-or-treating, we hung out with Grandpa Brian, and Grandma and Grandpa Sarlina came over.  However, I took maybe 10 pictures of all that, and they are still on the camera that is out of arms reach.  Therefore, I'm lazy.  I can't reach and I don't want to get up. Let me just tell you though, I had the cutest Mr. Potato Head in the whole wide world.  Maybe I'll get around to it or just uploading the pictures and posting a link for you.  I'll get back to you on that one though.  I might also wait until I'm warm.