Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Brain Fart

So all day long I think about things to blog about that night once dinner is done, and Elijah is in bed. However, after all those things have happened I actually forget what I had thought about all day long. Now this isn't something new for me. I have a strong tendency to forget what I am doing while I am doing it. Kinda embarrassing. In fact, a 5 year old beat me in memory the other day and I was actually trying to win.

Now I'm not one to point fingers but it's not my fault. I'm blaming it on family. First of all my mother is one that forgets things almost always (sorry mom). With my mom it actually is sort of fun. I can ask her what she wants for her birthday/Christmas about 5 days before the actual event, buy the one thing that she thinks she wants, and by the time she opens it 5 days later she has completely forgot what she has asked for and thinks my brother and I are the smartest and best people in the whole wide world because we read her mind. It's great!

However, it goes back one more generation. Last year at Christmas we were all sitting around talking about our absent mindedness and my Grandfather confessed to being the source of all our decreased memory skills.
So in conclusion, I'm sure I had about 5 great ideas on what to post about tonight but due to faulty brain waves I can't remember what any of them were.

Sorry. Maybe I'll start texting myself ideas so come blog time I will know what I wanted to share with you all. HAHA.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Ewww gross

So this is how my day has gone and all my bodily fluid encounters.
1. Woke up at the typical 2:00 am time because Elijah was requesting to be fed. Fine that's normal.

2. Elijah is up again at 4:30 crying. This is not so normal and since I knew he shouldn't be hungry I had BJ get up to change him. Elijah starts screaming so I can't sleep so I go and see what BJ is doing to torture my son so bad. Turns out he had peed out of his diaper all over his night gown, and bed. Well thanks to my boss we had double lined the bed sheets for just this situation. While BJ cleans up the baby I deal with the bed.

3. Feeding Elijah at 6:00 before I get ready for work and he decides to spit up all down my back and arm. YUM

4. Coming down stairs with Elijah he spits up on me again. Awesome. The kid is super full. I decide not to change because i will most likely get sneezed on or spit on sometime during the day. What is one more?

By this time I think great I'm off to work it will be a good clean day. HA, wrong.

5. My first kid of the day shows up about 10 minuets early but since I was pumping I couldn't go get her early. Pukes in the waiting room all over the sign in counter, her mother and the floor.

6. My boss in a frantic rush to clean it up comes running into the room I was pumping in to grab the disinfectant cleaner. Surprised both of us once she realized I was pumping. I just had to laugh.

7. Second kid of the day wet her pants just before therapy and is wearing shorts with her cute fall outfit. Mom saying she was still covered in pee.

8. Pumping at noon and make the comment on facebook about the number of bodily fluid encounters i had that day.

9. The third child of the day wets through her diaper all over the chair she was in. GREAT.

10. Get a message from my Daycare that Elijah has blown out 2 diapers and is in his third set of clothes. Mind you he doesn't have that many at there house.

11. Get cough on and sneezed on numerous times during the 5th kid of the day.

Coming home I decided that God had it in for me today. But I do have to say that Elijah looks real good in White Sox gear that the daycare provider put him in because all his clothes were dirty.

What a poopy day.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Harry Potter Exhibit

So on Saturday we headed downtown with our neighbors to enjoy the Harry Potter exhibit at the Science and Industry Museum. It had great reviews and I am a huge fan of the books and enjoy the movies. I thought it would be a fun time going to this thing to see all this stuff from the movies. Well we got down there (late thanks to the Sox game) and pay the 16 bucks to park. We go in, museum has been closed for 2 hours now but there is a fairly large crowd hanging around to get into the exhibit because they only will let so many people in at a time. We get to where we start waiting to get in and Elijah is hungry so we have to try to feed him quickly while we wait. However, being a baby he is distracted by every little thing around him and he is taking forever to eat. He finally finishes his bottle just as we are being let into the show. Once in we find out no cameras and no video. Still not sure why. Rent the movies and you can see it all there. The first room is way over packed because of all the people they just let in. So we skip the first couple of things and move on. I guess I was expecting more interactive portions, at least a place to take pictures and buy them for an outrageous price. I really wanted to see Baby Elijah in Hogwarts gear. Plus it was fun to see just how small the actors all were when they started and even in some of the later movies. Teeny tiny.

Let's just say I'm glad I didn't end up paying to see it, but I am glad I went in the end. Just bummed I have no pictures to prove I was there.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sleeping body parts

You know when you sit for a while and your foot falls asleep? It takes a while for the blood to return to your foot, sometimes your whole leg and it tingles. Well last night I experienced a first. When Elijah woke up around 3am to be feed I was apparently sleeping on my arm in an odd way and part of it was asleep. But it was weird, it was the top half of my arm, not the lower part. So it was from my shoulder to my elbow that was asleep. Very weird feeling. And since I was still kinda asleep it felt even weirder. But how does the top half of your arm fall asleep? That is my current question.

Later tonight I will tell you about our Harry Potter experience that were going to tonight. So excited!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Living my life 3 hours at a time.

First the bug must have died. It was not making noise last night.
Secondly, Elijah weighs 15.6 pounds as of 7:00 am Friday.

Third, did you hear about the lady who had a 19 pound baby? Thank goodness that wasn't Elijah.

Now on to 3 hours at a time. Since having Elijah I have been living my life in according to his feeding schedule. When your pregnant/thinking about having kids nobody tells you about this part. When I was on my maternity leave it was okay, but not awesome. You just don't realize how fast 3 hours goes until you have to do something every hour on the hour. Then to top it all off the activity that you are participating in takes 20-30 min.

During my maternity leave I had to plan out the entire day from the moment we might wake up until I would know when we were getting home. Not only did I have to plan his feeding schedules but I had to make sure if we were driving anywhere then we would be there before he would be hungry or not have plans to leave before he eats. I also had to plan out when I would shower, dress, eat, sleep. It was a bit stressful.

Then I went back to work thinking, "Thank goodness I will have my life back." Wrong wrong wrong. Now more than ever am I stuck to my 3 hours at a time. I have to keep pumping to keep up my milk supply, if I miss a feeding time I could start to deplete my milk supply and now with Elijah eating more than ever I can't afford to lose any milk. I just hate pumping at work because it is a complete waste of work time. I just don't have a job that I can continue to be productive while I pump. I also get so lonely sitting in a room by myself staring out the window wondering if others can see me from the outside.

Then there is the whole fear that I will forget part of my pump and then I would just be screwed. Oh wait that happened last week. Now it is even a bigger fear. Like what if I forget the power cord, or the collection bags, or a piece? Way to stressful. And I keep thinking I just have to keep this up until December but I might go longer to help with his immune system. Ah, I'm a mother freak now. Who knew I would turn out to be that person.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Noisy Bug

The weather has been real nice here lately. To a point that at night we keep our windows open and turn off the air conditioner. The first night was wonderful except for this really, really, really, obnoxious bug living some where out side of our window. It is hard to describe the noise it was making but it sounded some what like a motorcycle and static. It was to a point that BJ and I actually looked at each other and debated closing the windows but we couldn't hear each other. At that point we decided, at least it was a constant buzzing noise we could sleep through that. However, as soon as we decided that the bug decided to start communicating with all of the other bug world using Morris code. Some how, probably due to the fact that we were exhausted, we fell asleep. Last night, forgetting about the night before, we opened the windows again. There was that dang bug again waiting for us buzzing. Again we fell asleep.

Now lately, when I am left to my own power to entertain myself I create weird questions and try to think of the answers. This bug has made me start thinking. First, I want to know what he looks like. Could he be a grasshopper? We have giant ones around here but I don't know if they make noise or not. And secondly, I have begun to realize that since being a parent any little bit of sleep I can get I take. At all cost. Sorry bug you are not going to be keeping me awake at night. And if you think using Morris code to call all your other bug friends to come help you keep us awake. Keep trying. Tonight I will be sleeping bug or no bug. Good night.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Ah a day of looking back. Three months ago today I gave birth to my little munchkin. I forgot to weigh him today but I am almost certain he is getting close to twice his birth weight. Fatso. Ha but I love every ounce of him. The three months have flown by but I feel like he has been with us for forever.

Elijah posed for a couple of bath pictures on his 3 month birthday. Oh and the next one is how most of bath time goes. Yeah that's right he tries to eat the bath one fist full at a time. Most of the time we have talks about how it is not right to eat soap and if he poops in the tub it's really really gross. So far in his 3 months of life we have only had to deal with that obstacle one time and it happened in our kitchen sink when both BJ and I were bathing him. Then after we are done we get to deal with this one...Yes that's right my son tries to eat the plastic shower curtain every night. GRRR if its not one thing its another.

The other anniversary I celebrated today is last Wednesday, I forgot part of my pump parts at home and had a huge panic attack due to the fact I was afraid my boobs would explode. I had 45 minutes between the time I found out i forgot the part and my first kid was going to show up What I found out that day, it takes 30 minutes to drive from my work, to the nearest Target and back. It was horrible. I also figured out to double check everyday to make sure I have everything.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Why I'm not a stay at home wife.

Well there are many reasons why I'm not a stay at home mom/wife and I think I just might go ahead and share a few of them with you. For those of you who know me this will all quickly make sense to you.

1. I hate to cook. Or maybe I just don't have the patients to do so. I also never can get a meal to come out all at the same time.

2. I hate cleaning up a kitchen after I have cooked in it. Dishes drive me crazy.

3. I don't mind actually washing and drying the laundry but I can't stand to fold it. And in all actuality most of our laundry is stuff that needs to be hung. Still don't like it.

4. I get drawn into stupid stuff then before I know it I have lost the whole day. (ie. T.V. shows, and games on the computer). I could still list for you the TV I watched on each day of the week and the time I watched it during my maternity leave.
5. I can't imagine being at work all day then not getting to leave and having to sleep at work. I mean who really wants to sleep at work.

6. I love my baby but I also love someone else getting to change his diapers and listen to him whine.

7. I can create reasons to not leave my house if I really don't want to, but then at the end of the day be annoyed that I didn't get to go outside for even 2 minutes.

And probably the biggest reason I can't stay at home:

8. If I stay at home all day long then I have no excuse to have a messy house. Now I can say oh well it was a busy day at work and I was tired when I got home so that's why the house looks the way it does.

More or less all you people out there who are stay at home moms/dads/wives/husbands you have my respect. I couldn't do it and if you are really good at what you do feel free to adopt my home too.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Ode to The Big Bang!

Stop thinking dirty! Tonight is one of the best nights of all time. It's Monday and it's the premiere of The Big Bang Theory. This is probably the one and only show that I can watch by myself and laugh so hard I actually start crying. Even though the day was gray and wet, and my kids were few and far between, and Elijah was crabby when I got home. This makes it all worth it.

On a non-related note the dog is currently curled up in my lap and is refusing to move.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I'm Back!! I hope.

So I used to be the regular blogger. And I really did enjoy it. Then my life changed and I stopped posting because it was too much brain power after the long days at work. Well my hours changed and I decided once again I would start to blog. HAHA now that's funny. Shortly after that decision was made we bought our lovely townhouse. Apparently the move and the new change to life came with the limited number of posts. It is real easy to fall out of habit . Well my life recently changed again, so this time I am hoping that with the change I can get back into the blog life.

A warning for all: I work with children, and I recently just had my own child. This blog will probably turn out to be mostly about children or the way that my brain works (which is very child like most of the time.) There you have been warned.

So life as I know it now. Like I said I am a new mommy to my baby boy Elijah Joseph. He is just about 3 months old and of course the cutest baby in the whole wide world. Just ask his daddy, he will tell you all about it. I work full time with kids with some sort of delay or impairment either with language, speech , or both so most of my day is spent playing games and convincing children that what I want them to do is a good idea and that they really taught of it first. My husband and i just celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary and we actually still like each other most of the time. That's about it. That's my life. I guess that is the preview on what is to come.

Wish me luck!