Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Why I'm not a stay at home wife.

Well there are many reasons why I'm not a stay at home mom/wife and I think I just might go ahead and share a few of them with you. For those of you who know me this will all quickly make sense to you.

1. I hate to cook. Or maybe I just don't have the patients to do so. I also never can get a meal to come out all at the same time.

2. I hate cleaning up a kitchen after I have cooked in it. Dishes drive me crazy.

3. I don't mind actually washing and drying the laundry but I can't stand to fold it. And in all actuality most of our laundry is stuff that needs to be hung. Still don't like it.

4. I get drawn into stupid stuff then before I know it I have lost the whole day. (ie. T.V. shows, and games on the computer). I could still list for you the TV I watched on each day of the week and the time I watched it during my maternity leave.
5. I can't imagine being at work all day then not getting to leave and having to sleep at work. I mean who really wants to sleep at work.

6. I love my baby but I also love someone else getting to change his diapers and listen to him whine.

7. I can create reasons to not leave my house if I really don't want to, but then at the end of the day be annoyed that I didn't get to go outside for even 2 minutes.

And probably the biggest reason I can't stay at home:

8. If I stay at home all day long then I have no excuse to have a messy house. Now I can say oh well it was a busy day at work and I was tired when I got home so that's why the house looks the way it does.

More or less all you people out there who are stay at home moms/dads/wives/husbands you have my respect. I couldn't do it and if you are really good at what you do feel free to adopt my home too.

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