Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween: By Elijah

Mommy says it's Halloween.  She said last year we went out trick or treating, what ever that is, but I was too little to remember.  So today I got all dressed up as a Scary black spider.  Mommy made my costume. Isn't it cute??

 After we are all dressed up we go outside and head around to peoples houses that we have never met.  We ring the door bell then say Trick or treat.  If you hold out your bucket they will put things in it.  Then you say thank you and you go to the next house and do it again. 
 By the end of the night, I was sleepy.  I said my trick or treat some of the time and I said my thank you's almost all the time.  I was really getting the hang of it.  But I was ready to eat some of my special treats. 
Can we do it again tomorrow?  I need more things for my bucket.  I like when people fill my bucket up.  It was a little chilly but not too bad.  My nose was running most of the time but I had super lots of fun.  I can't wait to do it again.

How to carve a pumpkin: By Elijah

 First you pick your pumpkin.  Make sure you have all your safety gear on.  Pumpkins are heavy and could be very dangerous.  Bring them home. 

 What are you waiting for you have to go home!
 Good thin the truck brought all of our pumpkins home.  We wouldn't be able to make it with them.
 Alright I need the crane to move these pumpkins.  A little to the right, a little more, aaaannnd stop.
 Hey look Geese!
 Now what?  Lunch?  Not yet. Okay, keep working.
 Make sure all your tools are sharp. 
 I can't move this thing.  Are you kidding me?
 Inspect your pumpkin to make sure it is good.
 Scoop out the insides.
 Check to make sure you got it all.
 Put all the guts and seeds in a bucket for Mommy.
 Scoop out all the insides, without touching it.
 Dump and then carve.
 Don't they look good??

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Opposit day!!

Today was a bit, well um wrong. 

Driving down the road to meet with a doctors office I  watched my co-worker make a left hand turn.  However, due to new construction and new very faint lines she ended up turning down the wrong way on the road.  Yeah all of a sudden I saw her facing the wrong way in traffic.  I was in my car screaming to her "don't go that way."  She didn't hear me.  Once I knew she was alright I started laughing so hard I was crying.  Not awesome when you are the driver. 

Later that day I am sitting in the office waiting for my kiddo to show up and in walks an OT with her client.  I look down to realize the child has his shoes on the wrong feet.  I mention something to the OT who proceeds to look at me like, "you have got to be kidding me."  Yeah she put them on that way, not the kid putting them on himself that way. 


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Construction accident

I will have pictures closer to Halloween, however, just an update, Elijah apparently had a fight with a hammer.  I got a text message today that Elijah smacked himself with a hammer.  I assume it was a toy hammer but I can't be to sure.  He also has begun to bite more at school.  When I ask why he is biting the teachers are unable to tell me.  Oh well.  Mysteries to be solved. 

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sneak peak

Halloween is just around the corner and this year Elijah might get to experience it the way it is supposed to be.  Therefore, guess what's coming...Baby post!

Until then here is a sneak peak of Elijah in his Halloween costume, well part of it. 

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fear of Public Bathrooms

I hate using rest rooms, I hate not using a bathroom that is not my own.  Reason's why...
1. I hate being less than an arm's length away while I am doing my "business"
2. I hate having other people hear things that are supposed to be super private.
3. I hate hearing other peoples things that are supposed to be super private.
4. I hate to have my rear touching the same surface as other people's rears.
5. I hate being in a place that I know less than 50% of people actually wash there hands.
6. I hate the thought that the person who just heard all my private stuff is someone I have to hold a professional conversation with and possibly shake their non-washed hand. 

More or less, I will hold it until, I turn yellow to avoid 1-6.  I think my bladder is the size of my lung. 


I need to offer an apology to all the people in the world who I supposedly sent a spam message to through my e-mail account.  Apparently, yesterday I sent all of the people in my address book a virus.  However, some of you were lucky enough to get spam to a blog, some got spam for "enhancement" stuff, and others, not sure what you got.  Now this is my problem, I love this e-mail, I have had it for almost 10 years now.  I have things linked to this account that I don't even remember and if i change my e-mail address I need figure out what all I have in that account. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I am always curious why there are some nights Elijah will go to sleep in less than a second and there are other nights when he will cry for hours on end.  Most nights he goes to be right away.  To night is not one of those nights not so great nights.  It's odd, he will be laying up there, then all of a sudden bust out crying for no real reason.  I think he might be cutting teeth, again...or he is getting a cold.  Either way I don't like my options.  Fussy baby.

Monday, October 18, 2010

How not to tell your child you're not married.

Mother: Tomorrow his father will talk with HR about the insurance.


Mother: I would talk to them but since they don't know I am around, you know because were not married.
11 year old child: (Eyes the size of saucers and practically falling out of his chair) WHAT?? YOU AND DAD ARE NOT MARRIED????
Mother: UH
Child: You have two kids, a house and your not married??  WHAT?
Mother: (look of death on her face)

Me thinking: (Trying not to show my interior laughing fits) That is going to be a weird ride home.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


I wanted to have kids for many different reasons, one of which was so when the child was old enough I would have an extra set of hands to help clean the house.  Still waiting on that one.  Another reason was so Bj and I could take out the kids when they were old enough for parent child dates, like daddy daughter dances and whatever the equivalent would be for mommy sons.  Friday was the first mommy son outing and it was to church for cold blooded creature exploration.  I am just thankful they didn't decide to do creepy crawly critters.  I would not have had so much fun. 

Elijah and I went to see cold blooded creatures.  Elijah ended up taking a bite out of a plastic mold of a turtle foot on display, we knocked on a tortis' shell to get he to come out, we poked at a tortusis' foot, pet a snake, got a good look at a kimono dragon cousin, and 2 crocodiles.  One of which was flipping huge.  A friend of ours' son actually was able to ride the flipping thing.  I don't know if I would have been brave enough to let Elijah do so if he was older.  People say, you just have to trust the trainer guy.  Yeah, you know, I trust God, he made those things scary and ferocious so you don't go near them. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I don't know where Elijah heard this from but he loves spiders (in books).  I recently just bought Elijah 3 new Halloween books to read before bed, and his favorite pages are the ones with spiders on it.  It even got really cute when he started saying pider...or piduh as it came out most of the time.  Then a day or two ago it turned into deedi like most things in his life.  We get about a week out of a word, then it disappears for a while then it comes back. 

I am not going to lie, one of the things I was looking forward to about being a parent is that I would "train" my child to kill those big, scary spiders in our house.  But I would need a way to introduce the things to my kid without freaking out.  Turns out books are the way. 

Unfortunately the plan sorta backfired.  See Elijah became obsessed with spiders.  That's all he would look for. In fact, I think the spiders replaced the geese.  So today while I'm getting ready to leave, I hear Elijah's spider.  I get super freaked out thinking how will I kill it, make it look fun and encourage Elijah to do the next one.  Turns out the "spider" was really a mosquito eater, however, when your just about 16 months old they look the same.  I went over and bent down to show Elijah he could get close to it and it would be okay, so Elijah squatted down next to me and got real close, but not to close.  (Actually very cute looking)  I kept putting my foot over the bug and tried to get E to do the same.  When he did he actually stepped on it.  When he moved his foot he got upset because, the bug/spider was gone.  I mean really upset.  He refused to move to go to school until the spider came back.  Yeah that I can't do. 

Guess, I have to wait a couple more months before I can convince Elijah to save me from the spiders.  BOOOO!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Just a bit of advice for you...
Next time you eat bean burgers for dinner, no matter how yummy they are, you should not have them for lunch the next day.  Especially when you already feel bloated.  You can only blame the smell in a small room on the little kid in there so many times.  LOL.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Confession Time

1. My house is messy.  Like really messy.  And I request all of you not to judge me for this.  I am not Susie homemaker and I am not planning on being her in the next few years. 
2. I very rarly make home made meals, however, I do request BJ to cook every now and then. 
3. I do laundry weekly but I only put it away, monthly.
4. No matter what I do, my house never gets clean.
5. I love to vacuum and would do it everyday if I could see the carpet or the vacuum didn't weigh 1000 pounds and could get it up and down the stairs quickly.
6. I let the dog sleep on the couch, but only on blankets.
7. At this point in time, Elijah's room is the cleanest in the house.
8. # of family pictures on the walls in my whole house=0
9. I don't want a cleaning lady because I think her job is the more fun part of cleaning, I hate cleaning up crap, love making this shine.
10. I just subscribed to Working Mother to hopefully help with 1-9.

Saturday, October 09, 2010

I feel like it's been forever

I have realized this past week I have not blogged very much.  It has been a bit busy.  Let me fill you in.

1. Last Saturday we threw a surprise party for our neighbor who turned 30 last Thursday. It was a success, she was surprised.
2. Last Sunday we did church and joined a group to help make new mentors feel at home in our church.
3. Elijah and Daddy when to youth group together and I cleaned up all of Elijah's old clothes and put all the fall/winter ones in his closet (didn't know this whole week would be summer weather).
4. Monday worked until 7
5. Tuesday celebrated my 13 year anniversary with my hubby.
6. Wednesday I worked until 7 and had the issue with the plane crash in the area.
7. Thursday I had a class 1.5 hours away from home learned a lot and feel real good about being a parent and a therapist but spent over 3 hours in the car driving, went out to dinner with the neighbors for the birthday and then promptly fell asleep at 8:00 on the couch.
8. Friday visited a new mommy and baby pair, then headed to the old High school for the homecoming football game and and marching band.  Elijah enjoyed the marching band but was so ready to leave after that.  Seeing that it was 1.5 hours past his bed time.
 9. Today Elijah had his doctor appointment (31 inches long, 25 lb and 4 oz) had three shots, and was mad at mommy. Drove out for the college homecoming football game (E slept 2 of the 2.5 hour drive) watched/stayed for 2 quarters then walked all over the campus for 2 some hours before getting back in the car and driving home (another 2.5 hour nap for E). 
Elijah about to walk off the cliff/hill
climbing up the hill

Chiling with my little man under the bell tower

Family under the bell tower

Family photo

Wawa says Elijah
Here dino, smell my stinky shoes.  No daddy don't feed me to it.
Now I'm sleepy, but that was my week in a nut shell.  I miss the beauty of my college but would only go back if BJ would stay with me the whole time.  Also blogger is not allowing me to move the pictures to where I want.  So deal with them the way they are.  At least you got pictures.  Be thankful!

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Plane crash

I'm sitting at work trying to get something done today and my boss comes in and tells me there was a plane that crashed into a building just down the street.  What a plane crash?  Apparently it was taking off and didn't get enough lift.  Crashed right into the top of the building.  Nobody was hurt, which was good, but really that is kinda a big oops.  But I did get to watch the news choppers fly round and round. 

Tuesday, October 05, 2010


Last year and all years before, I found that I have despised geese.  Come this time of year and in the spring everywhere around here gets inundated with geese.  I mean they are everywhere!  And they are mean.  They poop, eat and sit in the middle of the street so you can't go anywhere.  If you hit them they will cause major damage to the car.  I just didn't like them at all. 

Then along came Elijah, and his new found love of things that fly.  Planes, birds and most importantly geese.  Yes my child is obsessed with geese.  He will stop anything that he is doing to look for the geese.  He has the perfect goose noise too.  If you didn't know what he was doing you would think he was whining or getting fussy, but no, he is imitating the geese.  It sounds more like uh uh.  Today we spent about an hour outside watching the geese fly into the wet land and take off again.  He was waving to them as they would fly by and when the sky was empty he would hold up his hands like "where did they all go?" 

It's stupid how much I enjoy him enjoying the things that fly.  But I am glad he has something that brings him this much joy and I'm glad it is cheep.