Friday, October 22, 2010

Fear of Public Bathrooms

I hate using rest rooms, I hate not using a bathroom that is not my own.  Reason's why...
1. I hate being less than an arm's length away while I am doing my "business"
2. I hate having other people hear things that are supposed to be super private.
3. I hate hearing other peoples things that are supposed to be super private.
4. I hate to have my rear touching the same surface as other people's rears.
5. I hate being in a place that I know less than 50% of people actually wash there hands.
6. I hate the thought that the person who just heard all my private stuff is someone I have to hold a professional conversation with and possibly shake their non-washed hand. 

More or less, I will hold it until, I turn yellow to avoid 1-6.  I think my bladder is the size of my lung. 

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