Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I won!

I won, I won! That isI won my fantasy football league this week. I'm excited but I don't' know if I totally like this whole fantasy thing. It's one thing to join a sports thing when you are really into sports and competitive and all and another to join one just for fun. When you choose to join something like this you need to make sure that everyone else in the group is joining for the same reason. When everyone but you is super competitive and can spew sports trivia when they are half asleep, you should not join just for fun. In other words, its hard for me to enjoy the fantasy Football thing because BJ takes it sooooo seriously that I feel I should also take it seriously, however, I don't know what the heck I'm doing. Then I feel defeat before I even begin because the week previous my teams scored half as much as everyone else's team, so why even try. And if I wanted to try how do I go about doing so? I just don't know. Then if I ask for help my whole team is taken over and run for me. I don't know what questions to ask, or how to make my sucky team better, or who to play because it's always my luck that the people I chose to play don't do anything and the ones on my bench score more that the ones playing but I dosn't count cuz they are on the bench. GRRR its a bit frustrating. I just think this could be a very long football season. OHH and now that I have these players I can't just watch football and cheer for the team with the best colors, cuz when I do that BJ is always like, no you don't want to cheer for them cuz you have a guy on the other team. Well now the little bit of football that I liked I am not allowed to like cuz then I just cheer myself to lose. Ahh thanks for listening.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


BJ and I are being Jr. High mentors with our church. Many of you probably think we are crazy for spending our free time with Jr. High schoolers but it's really not that bad. Tonight was the second night and the first night we have with our groups. I have a group of 6th grade girls and BJ has a group of 6th grade boys. I enjoy the fact that I have sixth graders because it is easier to start fresh with a fresh group than come in and try to change the way they are used to. Any, my girls are great. Very, Very talkative. Plus i have two members of BJ's first group as my high school helpers. I think it's only fair to give back to the "organization" that I was so involved in when I was in High school and Jr. high. My girls are super talkative and active. I will have more of an issue of keeping them quiet than getting them to participate.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Husband vs. Wife

First- I lost my first football game. Sad. But more to come.
Second- Husband wins! Sad again. Many of you are probably wondering why were the husband and wife dueling? Well let me draw you a picture.

It all started many many months ago. Some time around December of 2005. The husband and I (then not husband) decided to go and register. Yes register. While out we started to get distracted and started registering for odd items. One of which was DDR (Dance Dance Revolution). And one of my delightful co-works went ahead and crossed the formal wedding present line and gave it to us for a wedding gift. Now fast forward to last night and I decided it was time to test out our skills. So off came the shoes off came a sock and whap. Elmo sock across the face followed by I challenge you to a duel! After a little trash talk and everyone in there protective and competitive gear. We plug in the floor mats (one that we bought separately sucks) and we go at it. End result Wife sucks, Husband rules and that is that.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Hut-Hut- Dumb Luck

I would like to introduce to the world the beginning of Dumb Luck fantasy football team. Head coach Kelly, assistant coach Kelly, and special teams coach Kelly. That's right folks, I have decided to have my own fantasy team. I named it Dumb Luck because if I win anything it is strickly because of that. I do not follow football much, I watch it because The men in Spandex look great and sometimes they do fun stuff. Other than that I couldn't tell you much about it. And this is my Logo.

Anyway, I just wanted to say hi. I have missed blogging but these 10 plus hour days really make me sleepy. By the time I get home at the end of the day I am ready to go right to bed. BJ and I are going to try and work together and remind each other to blog more. I mean come on we are newly weds we should have a whole lot to write about.