Friday, September 25, 2009

Living my life 3 hours at a time.

First the bug must have died. It was not making noise last night.
Secondly, Elijah weighs 15.6 pounds as of 7:00 am Friday.

Third, did you hear about the lady who had a 19 pound baby? Thank goodness that wasn't Elijah.

Now on to 3 hours at a time. Since having Elijah I have been living my life in according to his feeding schedule. When your pregnant/thinking about having kids nobody tells you about this part. When I was on my maternity leave it was okay, but not awesome. You just don't realize how fast 3 hours goes until you have to do something every hour on the hour. Then to top it all off the activity that you are participating in takes 20-30 min.

During my maternity leave I had to plan out the entire day from the moment we might wake up until I would know when we were getting home. Not only did I have to plan his feeding schedules but I had to make sure if we were driving anywhere then we would be there before he would be hungry or not have plans to leave before he eats. I also had to plan out when I would shower, dress, eat, sleep. It was a bit stressful.

Then I went back to work thinking, "Thank goodness I will have my life back." Wrong wrong wrong. Now more than ever am I stuck to my 3 hours at a time. I have to keep pumping to keep up my milk supply, if I miss a feeding time I could start to deplete my milk supply and now with Elijah eating more than ever I can't afford to lose any milk. I just hate pumping at work because it is a complete waste of work time. I just don't have a job that I can continue to be productive while I pump. I also get so lonely sitting in a room by myself staring out the window wondering if others can see me from the outside.

Then there is the whole fear that I will forget part of my pump and then I would just be screwed. Oh wait that happened last week. Now it is even a bigger fear. Like what if I forget the power cord, or the collection bags, or a piece? Way to stressful. And I keep thinking I just have to keep this up until December but I might go longer to help with his immune system. Ah, I'm a mother freak now. Who knew I would turn out to be that person.

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