Sunday, October 04, 2009

Bears game

Today was Elijah's first tailgating experience, and B.J.'s third Bear's game. Here's how the day went.

So BJ was out way late last night DJ a wedding. I think he got home some where between 2 and 2:30 when Elijah decided he was hungry. While I fed the baby BJ fell fast asleep. At 5 Eli woke up again and wanted more food. As I was feeding him he had a HUGE explosive dipper. Now typically in that state of mind (sleepy that is) I would call for BJ to come help me clean it up. However, I felt sorry for him since I had an extra 3 hours of sleep I figured I could probably figure it all out without him. I then preceded to not dress Elijah in fear that he would ruin his nicely planned out outfit for the day. After showering and getting dressed I woke up BJ at 6. We finished getting ready and left the house (about 5 min. after I really wanted too but not to bad) heading to my co-workers parents house to start the day. On the way there, BJ and I had a brain fart and turned the wrong way for about 5 min. before I realized we were going the wrong way.

Once on the Bears bus Elijah fell back asleep and we picked up my co-workers brother and nephew (age 4) who was sooo super excited about going to a Bears game he was off the walls. We got down to Chicago about 8:15 and started to cook. We had waffliges for breakfast (waffles with a sausage patty in the middle of them) followed by some type of delicious sandwich for lunch. Then everyone beside Elijah and I left for the game. Eli and I got on the bus turned on the T.V. and watched the pre-game while dogging the bees that were stuck in the bus and pissed about it all while feeding Elijah. Eventually we both fell asleep for a nice afternoon nap. I found it funny that even though we were watching the game live I could hear the stadium noise about 30 seconds to a minute before anything would happen on T.V. so it gave me time to prep Elijah for horns honking before they honked.

Everyone returned to the bus around 3, 3:30ish when the drunk lady from the bus next to us came on and was about to eat Elijah if I would have let her. We hung out for a bit longer then packed up and left the parking lot around 4:30 where we promptly got stuck in traffic. Elijah was good for most the ride home until about 6:15 when he decided he was really hungry and had blown out another dipper.
Over all great day, I enjoyed my nap on the bus during the second half and I got to eat great food, B.J. had a great time at the game and loved the food, and Elijah was a good boy and got plenty of attention all day long.

1 comment:

Chris and Keri said...

I would just like to add that I was the one to get Eli to sleep the first time on the bus :)