Friday, October 02, 2009

Cold Part 1

So several years ago my brother, sister, BJ, my step-mom (also named Kelly) and I were all sitting around talking about my sister leaving for collage. During that conversation Kelly said that once your a parent the one thing that you constantly worry about is if your child is warm enough. In my head I thought, "really, warm enough isn't there other things to concern yourself with once you become a parent?" Well needless to say she was right. I have figured out that most of the other things that concern you come and go. And almost nothing sticks in your mind as many times as if they are warm enough. Poor Elijah will probably never be cold because I hate being cold myself so I constantly am thinking about if he is warm enough.
Lately with the change in weather (and man was it a quick change) Elijah's room has been cold. Now I take after my mother (slightly) with the temperature of the house. This probably is one of the things that drives me the most crazy about me is the temperature of our house. In the winter I think the house should be colder, and in the summer the house should be warmer. It makes me laugh when in the winter people have their house temp at 75 but in the summer they turn down temp to 65. I mean come on, dress appropriately and save some money. Now here is my dilemma. Since having a child I am torn between the temp of the house and the temp of my baby. It makes it even harder because Elijah's room is the coldest room in the house. He has 2 outside walls and he is above the garage that isn't that warm, plus the kid sucks on his hands so they are always wet and freezing.

Tonight we solved the problem. We headed off to my favorite store in the world, Costco, and bought a space heater for Elijah's room. We found a cute little one that turns and the actual screen of the heater doesn't get that warm so I don't have to be a crazy freak when Elijah starts crawling around.
Here are some pictures of Elijah's room. Sorry no pictures of Eli tonight, but tomorrow in the second part of cold I will have some.

Crib, which will turn into a toddler bed and then a big boy bed eventually. Please note all the cute stuffed animals that are waiting for Elijah to be able to sleep with them without the risk of SIDS! Some day, some day.Here is my favorite part of the room. The rocking chair! It's where I spend many a nights feeding the baby. The dresser is our current changing table, slightly messy but oh well. Notice all the books and fun things waiting for Elijah to be able to attend long enough to them. Also one of the outside walls. between the rocking chair and the other picture is the giant window in the room which I still want to get curtains for but I don't know what kind I want yet.Stash-o-dippers and Elijah's Christmas present. SHH don't tell him it's on the floor in his room maybe he will be surprised in 3 months time. Oh and note most of the diapers on the floor are too small for him and I still need to return them to get the next size. What a pain.

Unrelated note, this was Rescue on Sunday night during a crazy rain storm. She was glued to my leg all night, then when BJ came home he wanted to clean out the garage so he could park his car in it. Well not wanting to leave Rescue in the house with the storm I had her come out with us. After about a minute I couldn't find the dog and I looked down and she was under the work bench BJ built, like it was her own personal loft bed. We thought it was funny so we took a picture.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow, that is alot of diapers. I don't think we ever had that much on hand, even with two kids.