Friday, October 09, 2009

The Giggle

Last week (Friday maybe) Carissa (who Elijah spends his days with) told me that he laughed for the first time that day. A real laugh too. Up until that point Elijah's laugh has been more of a gagging sound with a very very very wide open smile. We used to call a bug catcher in color guard way back in the day. However, she told me it was a real laugh that was just soooo cute. Apparently the rest of the day all the kids were trying to get Elijah to laugh which is probably why he has refused to laugh for me. Up until TODAY!!! It was great. We were playing on the floor and Rescue was being a slightly crazy dog which was getting me worried.

Short story of Rescue: From the day we brought her home I have been convinced that our dog needs Doggy Occupational Therapy. She has difficulty with transitions, she has gravitational insecurity (she wouldn't go up stairs), and she has problems figuring out where her body is in space (runs in to walls, frequently step on your foot with her incredibly long toe nails, and can't tell when she is pooping). She also has doggie ADHD (runs in the family I guess) because she is the only dog in the world that takes 20 minutes to pee and that's when she really has to go.

So anyway, Rescue was being wild and crazy and came with in centimeters of stepping on little Elijah's head while killing one of her jungle animals. Well since I felt bad for her being in her crate all day I didn't want to make her stop running around so every time she came running into the room I would cover Elijah with my body. Well Elijah just though that, that was absolutely hilarious and started his typical giggle, then broke into a laugh. Carissa was right, it was SOOOO adorable. It actually made me cry a little bit. I love him!

1 comment:

Jennifer O said...

I swear, all dogs are a bit autistic.