Wednesday, October 07, 2009


BJ and I both have a touch of Attention Deficit Disorder (the longer I'm around BJ the more I think BJ has more than a touch, but SHHHH). So as I mentioned before this causes some interesting moments between BJ and I, mostly in our conversations. For most of the time we have 2-3 conversations going at the same time and never actually finish one. However, lately as I hang round Elijah I see baby ADD and it makes me giggle. Like yesterday, as I was trying to feed Elijah he kept seeing my hair and batting at it, then giggling which caused him to stop eating. It was actually very funny because it was a cycle of eat, bat the hair, laugh, eat, bat the hair, laugh repeat. Finally I gave up and he went to daycare with very little breakfast and lots of extra food for when he got hungry there.

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