Thursday, March 24, 2011

Who Knew?

Who knew Harry Houdini's birthday was today.  Guess Rescue did, hence her escape artistness over the past few weeks.  If I would have known, I would have saved Tuesday's post for today. 

Who knew 8 cases of water could take up so much room on my desk and be so HEAVY!

Who knew a 4 dollar lamp (bought for $60.00 at Dave and Busters by the Godparents) would be the solution to Elijah sleeping through the night.

Who knew that a pack of fruit snacks would be the solution to getting Elijah out the door in the morning with no tears.

Who knew the only way to get Rescue to eat her food would be to add about 1/4 cup of water to her bowl.

Who knew?

1 comment:

Katie said...

Charlie won't eat his food unless it has hot water in it. I guess the water brings out the yummy aromas of the food. :)