Monday, March 28, 2011

Growing up

These are the days I have been waiting for!  Elijah is fun!  Yeah sure the baby time was "fun" but now he is FUN!  I mean he will play with you for 5-10 minutes before he gets board and needs to do something new.  He is gaining more words everyday and we are able to have way more in depth conversations.  Now days they go more and more like this:

Elijah: Hi mama
Me: Hi Elijah.  How are you?
Elijah: Dood.  Whe Dada?
Me:  I don't know.  Where is Daddy?
Elijah:  Dada air are ooo?
Me: Daddy where are you?
Elijah:  I pooh (as he grabs his butt)
Me: You pooped?
Elijah: Yeah!

I mean how much better can life get.  We play, we read together, we talk about Elijah's poop.  Life is good.

1 comment:

Ryan and Katie said...

you give me hope! :)