Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Brain fart= Word vomit

Do you ever have those moments in your life where you wish you could erase but you can't so your only choice is to move forward and try to make a smooth recovery.  Had that moment today.  Now every time it pops in my head I start laughing so hard I start crying.  Already writing this far I have started laughing 3 times.  It's a good one today.  Let me set the scene for you. 

I just finished 3 back to back kid therapy sessions and kid number 4 was waiting in the waiting room.  I poked my head around the corner and in my nice kid voice said, "Johnny, I'll be right back."  I then proceeded to walk into the office to file a chart and my note.  In the office was our office manager, my boss and my bosses boss.  They were all talking and I didn't want to interrupt to say hi to my bosses boss.  Then out of the blue my bosses boss says, "Hello Kelly."  My response, get ready for it, in my best nice kid voice responded, "Hello Mister, Mister Rick."  At that moment I wanted to grab all my words, shove them back in my mouth and start over.  I knew I was in trouble as soon as Mister left my lips.  Mister really?  Really?  Then to add the kid voice on top of that?  What the heck!  Who does that.  Who talks to their boss in a kid voice and calls him Mister.  WHO DOES THAT?  Oh right me.

The rest of the day any time I saw the office manager she would say, "Hello Mister."  Yeah it is going to be a while before I live that one down.  At least we all get a great laugh at it.  Laughing raises your spirits.  HAHA 

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