Sunday, March 06, 2011


For the past 23 years I have had a sibling.  For the last 21 years I have had a sister.  It wasn't until about 3 or 4 years ago that my sister was old enough to actually have a conversation with that didn't feeling like I was talking to a kid.  Then on Friday I finally had the sister sibling experience that I feel everyone else in the world has growing up.  **Side note** In the past 23 years I have had siblings but they have never been full siblings, always half.  For me I have viewed them as my whole siblings but not one of my siblings in the past 23 years has had the same experiences as I have had.  And two of my siblings never, really knew my other brother and vise verse.  So it's just been me living two parallel lives in two separate families that sometimes crossed paths in the best possible way.

So on Friday my sister came over and brought with her all of her dresses from her High School days for me to try on.  On Sunday I needed a fancy dress to go to an Oscar party (I know a weekend late but you will see later).  The only problem was that since I have been in high school 10 years have passed and I have had a child so none of my dresses had fit me hence why I brought in my sister.  So in comes my sister with 8-9 dresses.  I definitely fit into them waist wise, height wise was a different story.  She had a couple of short ones but the thought of my legs being shown off to the whole world was a bit scary.  Therefore we picked a long dress, however, Megan is about 6 inches taller than me and most likely wore heals with her dresses.  Thank goodness Sara had picked out some fantastic pink heels that matched one of the dresses. 

Thanks to two very important people in my life I looked like a million bucks tonight.  Look for pictures to come.  And I look forward to having more fantastic moments with my sister.  After all she is the only sibling that I have left close by and neither of them look to be moving home anytime soon.

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