Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sick Elijah?

Over the last week and a half poor little Elijah has been under some major stress.  I don't know why but he hasn't been sleeping through the night, hasn't been separating nicely from anyone, and he has been feistier than ever.  We have had more tantrums, no's and down right opposite actions from our requests these past few days it was driving me up the wall.  The last time he was like this he had an ear infection.  I waited 2 days to see if things got better from when they hit there worst before I finally broke down and took him to the doctor on Friday.  We looked in he ears, listened to his lungs, checked his throat; nothing was wrong.  He was healthy as an ox. 

The doctor said he could be having nightmares or night terrors and that could be the issue that we have been having during the nights.  I am thinking what in the world does a 20 month old child have nightmares about?  He is just starting to gain imagination skills so monsters and scary animals are still minimal to him.  Apparently toddlers have nightmares about losing their parents.  This makes sense seeing as he has been extra clingy at daycare and when we get home.  He gives the worlds best hugs but never wants to let go.  But it is so hard to know if this is Elijah's real deal or if it is something else.  He just doesn't have the language to let me know yet. 

With all this new information in mind we approached bedtime differently tonight.  We talked about how just because we can't see each other doesn't mean I'm not here.  We also discussed that I wouldn't leave him in the house by himself and I would always leave him with someone to protect him.  The hard part will be discussing this at 2, 3, or 4 AM when we wake up screaming.  **Sigh** the life of a Mommy and Daddy. 

As one of my client's parents once told me, "always remember that everything is short lived."  At first I thought he was another person telling to to enjoy every moment because they grow up fast but what he really met was the sleepless nights, midnight feedings, terrible two's (and three's) will go by quickly and eventually you will be able to sleep, and go back to a "normal" life.  Although normal now is no where near the normal we had 30+ months ago. 

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