Sunday, March 13, 2011

Under Constructuion

Our bedroom that is.  Since December BJ has been traveling to IKEA 2-3 times a week looking in the as is department (aka clearance/40% off) looking for our preferred bedroom set. At Christmas we got our two night stands, then several weeks ago we got our first large piece.  It was a tall dresser.  We then decided that we would need our bed next due to the space and set up that we had.  Well on Thursday our long dresser was available and we snatched it up, however, we desperately needed our bed to make our room fit.  So Friday BJ bought our bed and we borrowed his bosses trailer to move our old bedroom set to my father's.  Friday night BJ and Brian started putting together our bed.  I would have helped but I was stuffy and didn't feel well, as well as BJ and I figured out back in the day there are just things we don't do together.  Building large pieces of furniture is one of those things so I just sat back and watched the process.  It was going along great until BJ figured out he forgot one of the pieces that were important to finish the job.  It was the center support brace.  Ooops!  Therefore, this is how we slept Friday night. 

I lost my pillow to the excess of Rescue that was hiding behind our bed once or twice, and when Elijah woke up at 5:00 am fell into the closet. 
Saturday we got the rest of our bed, however, I fell asleep once we got home and BJ couldn't do the bed.  By 5 we had the bed done but we had to make it and get the rest of the room back together.  It's taken a while, however, this is now what our bedroom looks like.  We are still in need of a mirror over our dresser and a wall mount for our T.V. so it is across from our bed and we need two more curtains for our small windows.  But doesn't it look great. (Can you find the dog?  There is a reason we have a black comforter.  Rescue is that reason.)

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