Sunday, March 13, 2011

411: How to Adjust Quickly to Daylight Savings

I dread this time of year.  Both going forward and going back.  It takes my body 2 or 3 days but all the children take 1-2 weeks to get in a new sleep system.  Now that I have my own child I dread this time even more because I am the one trying to get the child to sleep when it is 6:30 to them instead of the 7:30, which the clock says.  Then again wake them up when they are soooo not ready, eat when they are not hungry, and so on and so forth. 

This year, however, I seem to have found a solution to my problem.  Get sick.  A cold, the flu something that you feel the need to sleep 10-12 additional hours during the day.  That way your sleep cycle is already thrown off and in a day or two when you are ready to sleep, eat and do all  your other daily things you can jump right into it.  I slept an additional 2 hours yesterday from 3-4:30 and today Elijah took a 3 hour nap from 2-5 then went to bed at 8 which is typical for him during the week.  Go me.  My child is adjusted, now I have 20 other children this week that I have to deal with that are not.  However, it's only 45 minutes each and for the most part they don't mind coming in early so much as the waking up early or in the fall coming in when it is past their bedtime. 

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