Sunday, October 30, 2005

Weekend Fun!

So as I had mentioned before, my dad came up to spend the weekend with us. Friday we went out to dinner at 8 then, we went to the movie store and rented SIX yes SIX movies. But because of Tania's discount they only cost us $3.50. SO then we watched one of them and went to bed. Saturday we woke up and went to the Blueberry Muffin for breakfast, then for a quick tour of the clinic. After that we went to the Steven's Point Brewery!!! It was fun, they are making new soda's now and one of them is Black Cherry Cream and it is the BEST cherry coke I have ever tasted in my enter life. After the tour we had fifteen minutes to taste as much beer/soda as we wanted. Then we came home and wanted something to do, so we found a geolographal marker. It was exactly half way between the equator and the north pole and one forth the way around the world from Greenwich, England. We had an adventure finding the place though cuz, HA we missed it. Then we went to Gander Mountain and Look I found a Ten Pointer!!! Then we came back home and watched a couple more movies and went to sleep. Then, DUNDUNDUN DUNNNNNN, at 3:20 in the morning the refrigerator started making a noise that was combined with a whinny puppy, and a drill. It was really annoying, and we were sleepy and really couldn't figure out how to fix it. Our genius ideas were hit it, and wiggle the wires. Finally we decided that it would just be best to unplug it so we could sleep. Then this morning, we plugged it back in and after an hour of the noise it just stopped. SO now the refrigerator man is coming to fix the unbroken refrigerator tomorrow, while our of our frozen food is at school in that refigerator. Secretly, I hope it brakes before the guy comes so I don't look like a dork for calling him out. Anyways, Dad left around 1:30 and Jen came home around 4 and Tania around 7:30. SO now were all just chilling.

1 comment:

BJ said...

Yeah Kelly!
You got a Ten Pointer. I am glad to hear you had fun with your dad this weekend!