Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Look in to the Past

Ah 8 years ago today was BJ's and my first date. So in honor of this event we will appreciate all those who pushed me to that moment and those after. First my bestest friend Sara, Thanks for all the whispering and giggling we did all through junior high about my dumb crushes on all those funny nicknames we gave guys so they didn't know we were talking about them. Second, thanks to Juliet for letting me drool over him when we went to Colorado and making me asking him to Homecoming. Third, Thanks to BJ for being a good guy and going to a dance at a school you didn't know with people you had never met and a girl you didn't really know existed. Fourth, thanks to Tracy (or Sara I forgot which one) for clarifying the whole "did he have a girlfriend" situation. And lastly for Sara for that wired phone call the following night while we were all talking on Instant messenger and relaying the message to BJ that I would "go out" with him if he asked me to. Whew looking back, man were we silly teenagers. And wow Sara didn't realize how much you influenced the BJ situation at that time. So now 8 years later, BJ sent me a bunch of flowers, they almost made me cry. I'll talk a picture of them tomorrow. Thanks BJ.

1 comment:

LittleKelly said...

Okay so I'm posting on my own blog. But that picture, for all who don't know, is from the entry way of my old high school.