Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Oops, I almost forgot to post!

It's been a busy night, and for that matter a busy day too. I actually got a lot of stuff done today sitting around the clinic. After my last client I came home then went to a laryngectomy support group. Basically this support group is for people who have had part or all of their larynx removed (the voice box). It was real interesting to sit and talk with some of these people and hear what they feel caused there the cancer that lead them to where they are today. A couple of them knew it was because they had smoked most of their lives, but one lady had never smoked a day in her life and the other felt that it was caused by saw dust or other chemicals that he was exposed to on a daily basis. It was interesting but shocking none the less. Now, I'm watching the Sox and am hoping for the best but we will see.

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