Monday, October 10, 2005

Today is Monday!!

First of all, I realized today that some of the words on my sight are becoming links to other websites! What's up with that and how do I stop that from happening?

Second, I forgot to mention that I am real sure I am the cause of BJ's eczema. He just got better then by the end of the weekend he was as red as an apple. I feel horrible. I mean I'm trying to make sure all of the products I use are fragrance and die free. Grrr, just a bit frustrating, I can't wait until he goes to the dermatologist and I can really truly know what I need to change to make him better.

Third, I had a awesomely productive night tonight, I finished my Autism Case study for the class that ended last week, and I made all the note cards for my Nero Anatomy class. Now I just need to study them (so I can pass the test that is Wednesday).

And last, my poor flowers were dead this morning when I got to school. Good thing BJ dried 8 of them when he was here on Friday. Any ideas of what I should do with the dried flowers? Let me know.

1 comment:

Ryan and Katie said...

put them in a vase. I have dried flowers in vases all over the house. I love flowers---even dead ones!!--Katie