Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Ode to Ten Pointers and Deer Stands

For those of you who know me very well I sometimes do things unintentionaly to embarasse myself. When those times occure I am never to slow to share with others my stupidity or clutziness. So I decided that today would be a day to share with all of you the story that made my roomie love me, my friends in Wisconsin take pitty on me, and almost made my mother choke on her dinner. So here it goes.

About a year ago, when Jen and I were still getting to know each other and it was the first semester of grad. school, we were taking a class called fluency. This is the class where we got to learn all about stuttering. For Jen and I we had both taken a course like this in undergrad so it wasn't that new and it wasn't that difficult for us to do. One of our main projects in that class was to transcribe two speekers that stuttered. Transcribing is putting in to writen form everything and I mean everything the speeker says. Typically this isn't all that difficult but when you have an individual how has 15 ums or repetes a word ten times it gets a little more difficult.

So the first individual was an adult having a conversation with the clinican. Hard to transcribe cuz he had a real bad stutter. The second individual was a child playing with the clinicians and some toys. This was a little more difficult because the child kept turning away from the mic or would mumble something and it was your best guess at what he said. So Jen and I are sitting there listening as best we can as the kid takes his plastic men to go hunting then to the processing plant and so on. All of a sudden Jen looks up and stops the tape and I look at her like, "what?" Now Jen knows I grew up in the city and the whole nothern country life is real new to me so she gets this look on her face like "I don't want to offend you but..." and asks Do you know what a ten pointer is? Me using the best logic I can says, "Sure! It's the largest deer you can get, right?" After Jen picks her mouth off the floor and composes herself calmly explains that it has to do with number of points in the antlers.

After a bit more disscusion on Ten Pointers we go back to transcribing only for Jen to stop the tape a few minutes later to ask (in the nicest voice ever), "Anything else you are unsure of?" This is my chance she offered the information so it's now or never to loss some of my cityness and join the country croud. So I think about and I realize, I'm not real sure what a deer stand is. So I ask. Now Jen being real smart and on top of things realizes that this won't be nearly as fun if she didn't first ask the next question, "what do you think it is?" Ah that Jen, she is a smart one. So I tell her "It's like as saw horse but bigger where you can hang the deer before you take it back to the truck?"

This one almost killed her, this is also the point of the story when I told my mom that she started choking on food she was laughing so hard. After quite a bit of laughter and me having no idea what is so funny, exept i know that I am now an official morron she tells me it is where the hunters site when they are waiting for the deer. Right, gotcha, now I understand what those things are on the side of the road when I drive home. Now Jen being the good friend she is doesn't want anyone to miss out on the information she had just obtained informs the other speeches which they also enjoy.

So there it is the story of how I learned about deer stands and ten pointers. Good thing I had that class in fluency or else I would just be a city girl.


Anonymous said...

Dear Kelly,
Or should I say Deer Kelly, I smiled through your blog today remembering how Jiffer told me about your learning all there is to know about deer hunting. You haven't really experienced it all until you have processed the meat. Ask Jiffer what that is like. BTW, her dad got a 7 pointer Tuesday night, and we processed last night. There is nothing wrong with being a city girl so don't try to change.

Anonymous said...

I love the fact that it is so easy to fingd your unimportant flaws!!!