Sunday, September 11, 2005

Road Trip

Yesterday we decided to go on a road trip to Appleton, WI. We wanted to go shopping and that is where the best mall is, even though it is over an hour away from us. I woke up that morning and felt ambitious and made two CD's full of fun and upbeat music to keep us going for the trip. What I should have done was look up directions on how to get to the mall seeing as the last time either Jen or I had been there was over a year ago and we kind of got lost on the back roads of Wisconsin. So off we went after about an hour Nancy (who came with us) told us we probably should have taken an exit a couple miles ago. Okay, no problem we will just turn around right? Well I am used to Chicago highways where all the exits lead to streets, not other highways. So after making some scary exits and U-turns we finally are heading back in the right direction and make it to the mall only about an hour later than we should have. We then had a successful day shopping (I bought both BJ and my anniversary present because it was such a great deal I couldn't pass it up.) (PS BJ you owe me for your present because I am not buying my own present.) After shopping it is only natural to be hungry so off we went to dinner. Jen and Nancy were up for a new experience so we decided to eat at Hooters. As always the food was excellent and both Jen and Nancy were surprised at how "normal" of a restaurant it was. Then came the ride home. Yeah remember all those times when you were young and your mom told you to use the bathroom before you left, yeah that would have been a good idea. Well about 20 min. Into the drive both Nancy and I had to use the bathroom soooooooo bad that we thought we were going to cry. (Guess I shouldn't of had that second glass of iced tea.) Well when your in the middle of nowhere the is nowhere to go to the bathroom and you just have to hold it. When we got home it was a fight for the bathroom but no worries neither of us had accidents. Overall it was a fun and exciting trip that taught us to use the bathroom before we leave on long trips and get directions so those long trips aren't longer than they need to be.


Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention our waitress. She was really nice, and sat and talked with us for like 15 minutes. We all thought that she was avoiding the 3 tables of guys. Some of them were kinda creepy. We did have to laugh at one guy who could not keep his eyes off of his waitress. It was amusing. What a day!!!

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy reading your blog. I ate at a Hooters with some co-workers for lunch one day. We had a pregnant waitress, which I found quite humorous.

Anonymous said...

I needed a good laugh. Sounds like you are starting to realize some of those mom-things are valid. And don't forget to take a jacket in case it gets cold!!