Thursday, September 01, 2005

Long time no post!

Sorry everyone. This week has been way high emotional week. I just want to say all those people in the south are in my heart and I hope things start getting better before they get any worse. In addition to the hurricane damage we here have been morning the loss of our friend which is tiering in itself. I was going to post a beautiful picture BJ made in memory of his friend but sometimes I don't think our computers are on the same wavelength and I can't open his pictures.

Well today we went shopping for our kids (teddy bears) to get them new outfits. BJ's bear needed an outfit because take your teddy bear to work day is coming up and BJ's did not have any clothes she could wear to work. (She only has her wedding dress) so we bought scrubs for Ocean (she wants to be a doctor when she grows up). My bear needed cloths because he is a polar bear and he is white so if he runs around naked then he gets dirty, and we need him white for the wedding so we bought him a cute little outfit too. The best part about Glaciers outfit is that 97 is the year BJ and I started dating and it resembles clothes BJ would wear. Our kids our cute and I'm the proud mom so here are their pictures. (Sorry one is blury it was taken from BJ's phone.

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