Thursday, September 08, 2005


Fire = Fire
Hole = Oven

Yes we had a small issue last night while cooking dinner, Our French fries caught on fire!! OOPS. Jen and I are a little confused on how we managed to spill the French fries but we did and one of them got a little to hot! When I went to check on the fries and flip them over I noticed fire in the back of the oven and yes we set off the smoke detector. So its all good we know that the smoke detector works. The fries were just a bit funny tasting but nothing serious happened to the rest of them. After that exciting incident the rest of our night was boring and we went to bed early. Tonight we are excited its the session premier of the OC!!!! WAHOOOOOO!! We are really starting to get excited about good TV starting again because there is nothing to watch these days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We used that term in the Army when we were going to blow something up....hope you enjoyed the fries..Sonny