Tuesday, September 27, 2005


So the past two days I have had some thoughts/ incidences that got be thinking about how weird phobias are. Most people know that I am afraid of spiders but I am also afraid of needles. But have you ever thought about phobias? They are just weird, the whole anxious feeling and sweatiness, or nausiousness. I have a friend who has a phobia of hair, that is not attached to a body. But the question is, what do you do when you HAVE to confront your phobia? Like if you have to kill a bug and you don't like bugs. Do you do the ew gross dance? You know when you stand like 3 feet away with the tissue in your hand and do lunges to work your way up to killing it. You count to three then you squish it and throw the tissue on the ground while you hop around with your eyes closed and shaking your hands saying ew, ew, ew, ew. Then you stop and look at the tissue and decide you should probably step on it several times just to make sure it is dead. But with all the commotion you forget where the bug was exaclty in the tissue so you have to do inny-minny-miney-moe to decide what corner you should pick up that is furthest away from the bug. Then you have to run it as fast as you can to the garbage just in case it wasn't killed the first few times you stepped on it and all. Man that's a lot of work just to kill something so small. So, I ask again, What is your phobia and what do you do to get over it?


Anonymous said...

My phobia is merging in traffic--but i have to do it so it's not that debilitating. I also don't like most spiders and I solved that by getting married bc he can kill them for me. If he isn't home i put a cup over them though so you don't have to get near them and they will either suffocate under the cup or when someone else comes around they can kill it for you :)

Anonymous said...

Your bug story sounds like stuff I do. Recently, a large bug was crawling quickly on my ceiling and wall so I kept spraying Hot Shot bug spray on it until it dropped to the floor and quit squirming. Then I waited several days for him to dry up so he wouldn't be oozing and squishy when I picked up him. I used a sturdy paper towel instead of a tissue to pick him up.