Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I'm Beat

Yeah so Wednesday shouldn't really take this much out of me, yet it does. I mean come on three classes, nothing to bad there, an hour off, then an hour of therapy then straight to work for 2.5 hours. That's it. It's not like my client is a 3 year old that I have to chase around the clinic, he is 25!!! We just sit there! So yeah. Now I am sitting on the couch about to fall asleep yet I can't because there is soooooo much homework that needs to be completed.

Oh I forgot to update you all. My little brother loves me, he even called me on Sunday. AWWWW.

And yes it is day two of Brett getting his license back. AHHH get off the road WATCH OUT!

Yeah that's about it, I'm tierd and can't go to bed. Blah.

Funny fact: When you run spell check on this blog site, Blog comes up as being spelled wrong. HELLO! Add the word to the dictionary.

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