Thursday, January 02, 2014

I have a problem

Several years back B.J. and I needed to get our finances in order.  In other words we needed a budget and needed to stick to our budget.  In that process I became in love with bargin hunting.  In fact, the end of May beginning of June is my favorite time of year because it's garage sale time! I also spend a lot of time price shopping during the other 11 months so been I see a deal I know it and grab it.  However, here is where my problem comes it.  I sometimes get blindsided and forget just because it's a dollar doesn't mean I need 100 of them.  Biggest culprit is clothing for my child and toys for work.  I just realized how bad I was with buying clothes for Elijah when I was sorting though his old clothes and found I had over 20 long sleeve shirts for him. That means during the whole winter season (6 months) I would have only had to wash his shirts 9 times.  See problem.  New goal, don't do that again.

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