Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy day off!

What did I do all day you ask? Lay around? Sleep? Fun stuff?

Nope! I cleaned my whole house.  I always hate cleaning the house.  I know it is a 5-6+ hour activity and physically exhausting at that.  I actually haven't deep cleaned the house since around Thanksgiving and I found some gross stuff.  During that time I moved things in our house that have been in place since we moved in.  Yeah that was bad.  

This time I started last night and did some of the "easy" rooms. I typically have only about 5 hours of attention/energy to clean the house so by starting the night before I figured I could get everything done.  I did real well today I even Cinderella style cleaned the floor, although I didn't talk to any mice while I was doing it.  The only room that didn't get done was the master bedroom. But I hate doing that room myself.  I ALWAYS come across stuff that has come from my huaband's pocket and I never know how important it is or what it is half the time.  So that room is still blah but the rest of the house looks great! 

Now I need to have company over so people can see my beautiful house, before Fridays because I am anticipating the house to barf again.  

P.S. Thanks to my family for taking my boy for the night and day so I could get this all done! It was greatly appreciated.

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