Thursday, January 09, 2014

Dear Garage Door,

Dear Garage Door,

You are a key part of our home.  You keep our home protected and more importantly our stuff protected.  When we moved in we even upgraded you to have the motor out on so, so we wouldn't have to do any of the hard stuff ourselves.  However, I have a bit of a beef that we need to discuss, your function is to open and close to let us out and in.  When you decide it is too hot and don't want to close all the way and you make us sit outside playing "hit my button as fast as you can" it's not fun.  It actually makes us late for work and crabby.  And when you decide it's to cold to open and need us to physically get out of the car to encourage you to open that too makes us crabby.  The cherry on the top of this wonderful Sunday though is that now you are refusing to close.  Come on!!!!! It really is obnoxious. I realize that you have the upper hand in this deal because you know we won't get rid of you but this is a plea to work with the rest of the house.

The home owners.

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