Thursday, January 23, 2014

Expiration dates are just suggestions... Right???

Let me tell you something about me...wait this is my blog it's all about me!  But here is another little bit about me.  

Several years ago we changed our spending habits and the way we view our  finances.  Around that time we really cut back on our non-essential spending.  That unfortunately took away a lot of my shop for fun time.  Because that was gone I strongly looked forward to grocery shopping every week.  It was something that had to get done and I was spending cold hard cash.  I was getting great at finding "deals" to save the money I needed while still getting all that we wanted.  I admit we did get some odd things bit all was good.  It was also good that we have income extra storage space in our kitchen because I became queen of the after holiday sales and storing things for the following year.  For example, I have the die to make Easter eggs, a ginger bread house and two boxes of candy canes all in the cupboard right now.  I do admit I TRY to buy things that won't go bad, but some times I forget we have that thing until it's too late.  I didn't mention that I have had that ginger bread house since the Christmas before last due to me forgetting about it twice.
Now unintentionally this forgetfulness has impacted parish able food as well.  But some of the things I completely disregard the expiration date.  Like a bottle of Italian dressing as long as there is not mold in the bottle, I think it is still edible.  If cereal is past it's date, it's okay.  I have however, come to find out that sometimes that date may be for your overall safety.  I recently (as in 3 months ago) I found a can of crescent rolls in the fridge. I typically buy these when they are on sale because we have so many quick dinner ideas for them.  So this day when I found them they were the only ones in the fridge.  No biggy, I peeled back the label and BAM! The can explodes.  So much so that I was now standing at the counter with my hand throbbing, the can across the island and crescent roll dough on me, BJ, the counter, and I'm sure the floor.  I the. Hear from upstairs, "Whatw as that?" Ooh thing dear, just your lunch.  BJ was floored about to get really made and contact the company.  He grabs the can, looks a t the expiration date...oh you know only Oct of 2006!  Yeah that is a six.  As in before we even moved into this house... Wow!  They still tasted fine, just a bit flat not very puffy.

BJ however, does not share my disregard of experation dates.  I came home last night to a pile of candy, and some other stuff on the counter that were past the expiration dates.  He even threw my jar of crushed garlic (I don't use it much so it has taken while to use.  Apparently he tasted it and said it tasted funny.  It'ts straight garlic, of course it tastes funny.  It's raw garlic.  Alright I'll clean up a bit, but every time I throw away food that was past it's date I have a sad moment knowing that the money and time put into (fill the blank).

Therefore, if we ever all die or get sick, you may just want to jump to the conclusion that is was because of bad food.

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