Friday, January 17, 2014


It is no secret that I am not the most tech savy person but ever since the bond between my tablet and therapy was made I love finding ways to make it useful.  I have a handful of apps that I use for teaching but I also have a ton of apps as reinforcers.  In a 15/ 20/ 30/ 45 minutes session having quick reinforcer is nice.  Back in the olden days, you know, before tablets, bubbles were the number one choice of most therapists, board games were a second, and piece earning were the third.  All of them worked the same way... You do X number of sentences/sounds/target behaviors you get bubbles/ a turn/ pieces of the puzzle or track.  

Since moving to then school my session times are shorter but the need for reinforcement is greater.  Therefore, finding an app that will give me a quick brake for my friends is needed.  I now have a few favorites here they are:

Most Toca Boca apps make my list but specifically Toca monsters or Toca kitchen.  Simple start point pick food, cook food, cut food. Followed by a simple end point food has been eaten by the monster or the person.  To make it even better, most of my friends think the monsters look like Monsters Inc monsters.  
My second favorite is the Lego game.  I actually think it is just called Lego and to make it even better it was just upgraded.  The old version let you drive you car over the landscape, collecting coins to earn different choices, until you get the end where you "build" a 3 part trophy.  In the upgrade they made it more 3D but still fun.  Elijah could play this game for hours if allowed, but again it has a nice start and a nice end.  Love it.z

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