Monday, February 21, 2011

King's Speech

Being a Speech Language Pathologist I was very intrigued by this movie before it was nominated for 100 movie awards.  Last Friday I was able to be a grown up with no kids and went to the movies with my Hubbie and the neighbors.  We obviously saw The King's Speech.  Very good movie.  I also enjoy European history so this was a great movie in my mind.  BJ enjoyed it and I wanted him to see it in the theater with me because I knew he wouldn't stay awake if we waited until it came out on DVD.  I also really enjoyed the movie because I recently added a new kid to my caseload who stutters and hopefully he will eventually be able to  manage his fluency to be what ever he likes when he grows up.  I can hope!


Bugs, Boog and Me. said...

I can't wait to be able to see this movie!

LittleKelly said...

I would love to see it again, that's how much I enjoyed it.