Thursday, September 30, 2010

I thrive on Chaos

I don't know why but it is but there are moments in my life that life gets a bit crazy.  I feel that since last February that is how my life has been.  My car going bust and the downward spiral that followed, then BJ's car giving us trouble over and over.  Then we bought my mother's car, then more car issues, then changed jobs.  Then this is how my morning went.

I was getting ready for the day and some where between putting in my contacts and putting on my make-up I thought, I think today is a good day to try cereal for the first time since last week.  When we finally came down I made myself a bowl of cereal.   I ate just about half the bowl when **DING** the milk feels like it has been sitting out for about 2 hours or so.  Odd, I think I just made it...didn't I??  As I said something to BJ he checked the temp and realized it was a bit high.  He hit a button and left for work. It only took until the garage was closing that it dawned on me.  What if the fridge is broken?  Then all the food in it would be gone.  There was a lot of food in it.  I quickly called my neighbor who had the biggest chance of being home and I was out of luck.  So what do you do in that moment of your life when your on the verge of freaking out? Call MOM!  Not like she would be able to do anything since she was at work, but that is just the back fall for when you don't know what to do. 

As I call my mom asking her what to do, cursing the fact that when ever her fridge broke it was always the middle of winter and the back patio became the freezer and the garage became the fridge.  She then told me to grab a cooler and fill it with ice on my way to work then on lunch get more ice.  Which set off a brilliant idea.  I grabbed as much meat as I could and threw it into an empty diaper box, then as fast as I could ran it to the garage and put it in the car.  On the way back to the kitchen I grabbed a tote bag.  I had to make choices.  I had to decide what fridge items were worth the save.  More or less, I took meat and cheese to work with me.  I left almost all the condiments at home except the mayo and I had already given up on all the liquid dairy.  I then grabbed the child, his shoes and threw it all in the car.  Off to day care with the A/C cranked.  I barely slowed the car down, and pushed the boy out when we got to daycare then off I went to work. 

I showed up to work with my box-o-meat and my bag-o-deli and filled the work fridge.  Now I wasn't freaking out about losing over a hundred bucks of food, I had to figure out what to do about the fridge.  I called my lovely sister and asked her in the best I need you now more than ever voice to go sit at my house.  The repair people informed me that someone would be at my house between now (8:00) and 5:00.  Thanks for the narrow block of time bud.  But at least Megan was there.  At 11:00 I left work for home and pulled into the drive about 5 min after the repair man.  Wahoo!  I sat at home for several minutes to learn about what was wrong, how much it would cost, and how long.  I left my sister the credit card and thanked her a billion times over. 

Few, that is something I don't need to repeat in the near future.  But it is over now, and all the food is tucked in the fridge safe and sound.

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