Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Issues with the Car

Since purchasing the car from my mother I have found some flaws with it. First of all after my last car I told myself that I will never get leather seats again. I get so hot and gross while I drive on leather seats I start to smell by the time I get to where I am going. I also have wet marks from sweat in every fold of my legs, hips (make you look like you have peed) and knees. Next I used to drive with my knees on occasion, like when the steering wheel was to hot to touch or both of my hands were busy doing other things like changing the radio and talking on the phone, or eating. I have had to stop doing that now because no mater how I try to move the wheel the I can't reach the accelerator and the steering wheel at the same time. It really is a bummer. Guess I have to be safe now. My old car had the temp. gauge and the direction of driving. This car does not. And the last one, BJ decided to buy our cars steering wheel protectors. Mine was made of some sort of mesh like fabric. Looked good, at least it wasn't one of those horribly gross ones with all the hair on it. He put it on and we went inside for the night. Today I could barley get a block away from my house and I started feeling VERY VERY anxious. I got a tight feeling in my chest, my arms started to cramp up and I got a very weird feeling in my stomach. I would move my hands around the steering wheel and when I wasn't touching the wheel I felt better. Weird. I figured as it was a sensory aversion to the tactile feel of the wheel. GREAT well if I could just drive with my knees I would be fine. Oh wait, right.... it was a long and horrid ride to work. The second I got to work, I ripped off the steering wheel cover and threw it across the car. The funny thing is the material is the same material that all the office chairs are made of at my work, but that doesn't' bug me. Just on the steering wheel.

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