Saturday, September 25, 2010

Things your doctor shouldn't say

Yesterday I had my yearly physical with my doctor.  Typically, I am fairly healthy throughout the year and the only time I see my doctor is at my physical.  If I end up getting sick it usually is something that I know a doctor can't do anything for, so I just stay at home and sleep it off, anything else, I typically need to get in ASAP and don't have time to wait a day or two to get in.

Anyway, after my checkup and all, the doctor leaves the room and I get dressed.  Fine all is good.  Then in comes the doctor with my script and before she hands it to me gets this look on her face and says "I have some bad news."  I start internally freaking out.  What did she see? Please don't let me be pregnant, so couldn't handle that.  What if my insurance doesn't cover this visit and i have to pay for it out of pocket?  What is she going to tell me.  She then follows it up with she is leaving the practice and moving to Ohio.  Okay that wasn't bad news.  That is a bit of an inconvenience for me and that means I will need to find a new doctor, but bad news, nope.  Not really.  Growing a third arm out of my neck, bad news. 

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