Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I have only worked at my new job for about 4 weeks now.  In that time the weather has begun to change and all those creepy crawly animals have begun to make there way to the warm areas...AKA where I work.  I have seen at least 5 different types of spiders oh wait 6, I saw three just today.  And they all try to kill me...  They wait until the best moment when I'm not paying much attention to anything and BAMM they show up on my paper that I'm signing, or start crawling on the wall right next to me, or best yet stand in the middle of the floor so I have to go get someone to kill them so I can pass.  I don't know if these things think they are like the 3 Billy Goats Gruff but let me just tell you Billy Spiders Gruff... 5 of you have been killed and the 6th one will be dead tomorrow if I find you.  Most of the time I have to bribe the office manager to kill them for me.  I hate the things. 

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