Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sad baby = Sad mommy

I thought we wouldn't have to worry about tummy issues for a couple of years with our little man. NOPE they have started. I should have known. Like father, like son! That's why I said I should have known. BJ has had issues with wheat and yeast there for, when it is time to start Elijah on rice cereal I should have known that it was all going to easy. So for the first week it went real well. Then we both go sick and the second week he was supposed to be on cereal he wasn't and was strictly back to milk. The third week he went back to cereal and things were good. Then two weeks ago he started to stop pooping!! Yup, the post is about poop! Then after 4 days of no poop we had some explosion. Then 3 days of poop, then 3 days of no poop, then poop. Each time we didn't have poop my perfectly happy little baby boy left and I got a tense, arched backed screaming in pain baby. As the days have gone on his little belly is tight and hard, a slightly raw from all the tummy massages that I have been giving him. I just feel sooo bad. Then as I do the research everything says to give the baby prunes or fruit, but he isn't there in his food exploration yet. So to prevent being "that parent" and call the doctor on the holiday to ask about something as dumb as poop I called today. Turns out we get to start giving him baby water. Really baby water? Now that is a new one even for me. I thought water was water. Guess I didn't realize that there was special water that baby could only drink. Whatever. I also have to take Elijah off of rice cereal and put him on oatmeal cereal, let's hope this works and let's hope for poop.

And so sorry, I will post pictures of Elijah tomorrow. I hope.

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