Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I have been receiving some complaints lately about the pictures/or lack there of on the blog. I know, Elijah hasn't had his picture on the blog in over a week. I know this, and I'm sorry. I have an excuse though!!! My excuse is that I am a full time Speech therapist and BJ is keeping busy outside the house looking for a job. I think I have figured it that I am only spending about 4 hours with my son a day when he is actually awake. If I figure him waking up about 5:30 I hang with him for about 20-30 minutes while he eats, then I stick him in his bouncy seat and I jump in the shower. I then sit with him and talk to him while I do my hair and makeup for the day. I then get him ready to go and we head downstairs. He hangs in his highchair while I put the dog out, pack my lunch, make breakfast, get his food ready, put my pump together for work and load my car. If It is a good day I will eat Breakfast. By 7:15 we head out the door and off to daycare. (Up to about 1.5 hours together).

When I get home from work (most days Elijah is already home) around 6:00, I grab the baby and talk with him for about um.. 15-30 minutes then head off to get his dinner ready. I heat up his food and make his rice and spend at most 30 minutes feeding him. By about 6:45-7 he gets real cranky and it's off to bed with him. I can't remember a day when he is awake past 7:30. Then I step back and realize I didn't take his picture today and I will never have that day on film.

We are getting closer and closer to Elijah's 5 month birthday and I at times feel sad already. I'm sad that I spend over 50 hours a week away from my baby and am missing all the cool little things he does during the day. With him being so young he could do a new skill every day but since I'm not on the floor playing with him every day I could miss some of those things. I mean he is such a happy baby and so curious about life I feel one weekend I will be with him and he will just up and walk a way. However, at the same time, I still enjoy working and would miss it WAY to much. Sucks being a working parent, I don't think this part will get any easier as he gets older. Maybe once he gets into school I won't be so sad.

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