Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Cost of Gas

Yes gas costs a lot up here in the Chicago suburbs. Specifically, gas costs between $2.59 and $2.79. However, that's not what I was talking about. I'm talking about baby boy Elijah. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to messy. Today was obnoxious. Poor kid, he hasn't pooped in over 24 hours. Yes, I have become a true parent. I am now blogging about my child's poop (or lack there of). So yeah, little Elijah has been full of gas all day long. He has been a bit fussy too. That's the real issue, our happy baby has to be held, and preferably standing. Well our baby is not so little and he is difficult to hold for that long of a period. Like I said, tomorrow will be messy or tonight, one of the two. I see poop in my future. I also see pictures of baby on the blog. Here are a few from the day, before he got to fussy from poop.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I so want to get ahold of that baby!!Aunt Sandra