Monday, November 23, 2009

5 months

Wow, it's hard to believe that Elijah has been in our house and lives for 5 months now. A small part of me is surprised that it has only been 5 months, at times I feel like the little man has been around and in our lives for years. But then another part of me can't believe how fast those 5 months have gone and feels like it was just yesterday that I brought the little guy home. Over the past couple of months I can't remember when Elijah learned a new thing, I just realize every now and then something he is doing consistently and I don't remember watching him learn that. For example, I noticed tonight that Elijah likes to hold on to his toes, but today is the first time I noticed that. Did he just learn that tonight?? or has it been something he has been working on every now and then and I just didn't notice his exploration of his toes. It's sad, some days on my way to work or home from work I think about the day we came home from the hospital and how overwhelmed I was and shocked that the hospital staff trusted me and my husband enough to be the sole care takers of that little guy. I guess they were right though since he is the size of a baby moose and meeting his developmental milestones that he should be right on time.

On another note, I was going to post pictures of Elijah, but... he was super crabby and when ever I put him down for 20 seconds he would start screaming. So no cute pictures today. We will try again tomorrow.

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