Sunday, November 01, 2009

Happy Halloween and All Saints Day

Yesterday we celebrated Elijah's first Halloween. In the morning we just sat around the house and took pictures with our pumpkins. The little one is Elijah's pumpkin that I carved for him, the big one is BJ's pumpkin he carved for his favorite team, and the medium pumpkin is mine that our neighbor carved for me since I had Elijah. That night we drove to the city to visit two of my old co-workers who just moved and actually moved less than a mile of each other. We ended up doing drinks and appetizers at one house, then dinner and dessert at the other. We walked between the two houses because we found a great parking spot and didn't want to have to give it up. As we walked between the houses all dressed up families were handing us candy. So even though Elijah was sound asleep for the walk his first trick-or-treating experience was successful in getting mommy and daddy candy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember when I had to carve out 6 Jack o Lanterns to our kids' specs, including your mother's. See you all at Christmas!
Granddad C