Friday, November 13, 2009

Lost Car

If you have ever gone to the airport and had to park your car, you know the joy that comes along with trying to find your car when you are done with what ever you are doing. Well BJ has been to the airport for 3 days in a row to work an 8-2 shift for a marketing company. On the third day he had a moment that I would have paid to see. He was getting off the elevator and walked to the row and the spot he thought he had left his car in. Wasn't there. He looked up and down the row and didn't see his car. He then was really smart and hit the button on his car remote to lock his car and listen to the beep. He could hear it honking but couldn't see it. So he walked down the row and hit the button again, no noise. Walked back to the spot he started in hit the button heard the honk. Still didn't see anything. Walked in the opposite direction and pushed the button. No honk. Again walked back to where he started, honk. After about 5-10 minutes of pacing back and forth it dawned on him. The car was on the floor above him. In the exact spot that he was standing in.

BJ's response to the experience: The cards that are at the elevator for you to take to remind you what floor you parked on, you should take.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Where are those hidden cameras when you need one - so the security guards can laugh at that goody guy who can't find his car!