Monday, January 09, 2012


We headed to the Morton Arboretum this weekend with Brian to see trains.  For the 3 adults we came, we saw, and we were ready to go after about 30 minutes.  For the 1 child with us he wanted to sit and watch the trains for hours. 
It was actually very cute, they had it set up so there was a drive in with a a small TV screen that had a closed circuit feed from one of the trains as it drove around.  There was even Thomas and his cars Anne and Clarabelle.
We finally had to call it quits after about an hour because we were getting hungry.  What can I say my child loves Dinos and Trains.  But we stopped and had some coffee before we headed home.  Okay, Elijah really just had water but it he wanted his cup to look like ours. 

1 comment:

Daddy said...

Don't worry Eli, I could have stayed for hours also, but I got hungry!