Sunday, January 01, 2012

Tales from a potty training mother

Here is another one of those moments when before you have children you don't know the whole story, even after you have a child you still don't truly understand what you get your self into or how to handle it.  Now I have entered the stage of parenthood called potty training.  Anyone you ever talk to who has kids tells you this about potty training. "Oh well when Jr. was little he was potty trained in 5 days.  I just let him/her run around for a while without pants."  What they don't tell you.  In those 5 days you spend every waking moment listening for dripping water, your eyes are glued to your child's crotch making sure their undies are not getting wet and all you can think about is when the last time they peed, when they need to pee next, and how much laundry you will have to do.  They also fail to mention that during that time you can't do anything because of the above statement.  But at the same time what they don't tell you is during your waking hours with your child because you have to be within arms reach of them at all times to run them to the potty in case they start going is you have some great bonding time.  Yeah the anxiety of pee makes you forget about the rest of life and focus 100% on your little child.  The last time I was able to do this was during maternity leave but then I was sleepy, crabby, and frustrated the child didn't do much but sleep, cry, eat, and poop. 

What I have learned though was that PMS and potty training should not go together. 

1 comment:

Ryan and Katie said...

So true. Hope itsgetting easier!