Thursday, January 26, 2012


Last Friday we had snow.  Not something new for us in the northern Midwest, but none the less lots of snow in a short amount of time.  I, however, was further away from home than normal going to a continuing education class.  It took me about 45 minutes to get there around 8:00 and three and a half hours to get home.  I drove at a top speed of 20 miles per hour and a low speed of about 5 miles per hour ON THE HIGHWAY.  I found that with that much snow on the ground/road driving became a free for all and make the rules up as you go.  For example, in a place I was real sure was only 3 lanes we were driving 4 wide, semi trucks would merge as they pleased, I saw 2 people stop one in the middle of the road to clear off their car, and if a lane wasn't clear you could drive in it if your car was really an SUV.  Here are some pictures from my drive home when I reached a low low speed of almost stopped. 


Ryan and Katie said...

Hurray for pictures on your blog!!

Unknown said...

It looks like the roads near South Bend when Isma and I were coming up to Chicago to stay with your mom. Ick for driving, fun to look at. And the Mazda is no SUV.