Monday, January 17, 2011

Practice, Practice, Practice (by BJ)

So many of you may know, and many may not, but I have now been prescribed with an Epi pen.  Well, each prescription consisted of two Epi pens and a practice casing.  When I got home with them, I figured that I better know how to use them so that in the event I was dying, I could save myself.  I practiced about ten times on my leg and put it away for training others later.

Two days later...

Kelly tells me in the morning that she has a story for me that will make me laugh.  However she decided that she was going to leave me in suspense until later that night.  So later that night as we are getting ready to go to bed, she shows me three small bruises on her leg.  When I asked her what in the heck she hit, she tells me her story.

Kelly- So you know how you were practicing with the Epi pen?
Me- Yeah
K- Well I decided that it would be a good idea that I know as well.
Me- Yeah, and?
K- Well I was watching you so I thought it was easy and started using it.  However it would never pop out like it did for you. So...
Me- What did you do?
K- I didn't read the directions and...
Me- You forgot to take off the safety cap didn't you?
K- Maybe!?!?!?

Yeah she totally forgot to take the safety cap off and proceded to hit herself in the leg three times before reading the directions!  Like the title says, Practice, Practice, Practice!

If you ever need to use one here are some key parts to an Epi Pen

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