Monday, January 24, 2011

Fat Kid in a Little Belt

Do you remember those commercials when the people have buttons popping off their paints and shirts and flying across the room to break something.  Or the people sit and break a chair/bench or something.  Today I had my very own fat moment.  We all know, it's not a secret, that since I have had Elijah, my body has not jumped full speed back to my high school size.  However, I have not done nearly as much as I could to get my body back to the way I would want it.  Do I regularly exercise? No.  Do I eat healthy? Some times. Do I eat out? Some times (probably more than I should).  However, my clothes decided to share in telling me I need to get back to the gym. 

I am wearing a cute new sweater today and it came with a nice belt.  Not an expensive belt, but a belt none the less.  I wore it all day long and at 5:30 I hear a soft pop and I feel not as, um, held in?  I stand up and realize my belt is no longer fastened.  I stand up and fix it thinking, "I wonder how that happened?"  I sit back down its all going good until *pop* again.  Really?  At that point my poor kid was laughing so hard and so was I.  I tried one more time and both of us were just dying.  Off came the belt and on went our session.  At the end I had to explain to mom two things, one why I was no longer wearing a belt and two why her daughter couldn't stop laughing for about 10 minutes. 

I GET IT!  I WILL EVENTUALLY GET BACK IN SHAPE!  Just not this week, or next, maybe in March.  Maybe. 


BJ said...

Maybe you could do the NFL training camp with me when I get it!!!

Katie said...

Maybe you should join a gym with me and Deanna!! LOL

LittleKelly said...

BJ- we will see
Katie-I'll meet you there :)